The Best-In-Show winner at the Aleef First National Championship Show in Cairo, February 2015, was an outstanding Skyblue Normal owned by local breeder Shahir Mahmoud. Shahir was a tireless worker at the show. He is enthusiastic about the future of the hobby in Egypt and focused on building his stock to international quality.
Shahir with his Best-In-Show winner at The Aleef First National Budgerigar Championship in Cairo... and later with his friends Ahmed Abd Elmaksoud and Abu Gamela.
Shahir, I was very impressed with your Sky
blue cock that placed Best-In-Show at Egypt’s First National Budgerigar
Championship Show in Cairo. What is the background of this bird?
This cock is from the latest outcross I purchased for my stud which came
from Jacky Bundervert in Belgium
Do you have many birds now with this bloodline in the background?
Just a few birds from this bloodline. I am working to build the numbers and
increase the overall quality of this family by crossing it with my own stock
and other top birds I have acquired that have English pedigrees in the back
What impact have they had on your stud?
They have helped increased the overall size and the directional feathering
of my birds
Going back in time…When did you start with budgies? And where did your
initial stock come from?
I started with some pet size budgies when I was
14. After a few years my love to show birds started and at that time it was
the "old style" birds that were available. In the following years I was on
and off several times until now. My current stud started in 2010 when I was
able to buy the initial stock from top Egyptian breeders with English birds
in the background.
How many birds do you have now?
Currently I have about 250 birds This number includes show (exhibition type)
stock, crested, back frilled and Japanese helicopters)
Do you focus on certain varieties?
Best quality Normals and Opalines but I also work with Red eyed birds
including fallows
Do you work with any other local breeders when looking to improve your
We have a few top breeders in Egypt who can support my demand for a top
quality outcross when needed.
Tell us about your bird room and breeding cages.
I have a separate apartment for my birds. It is 120 square meters overall with three breeding rooms, 145
metal breeding cages and several flights for young birds and adult breeding
How many breeding cages do you use?
Currently only 60, but hoping to use the full capacity of 145 cages in 2016
Do you follow a certain procedure when selecting pairs for breeding?
There are several ways. Usually I combine natural selection of the birds,
providing the pairs look compatible, and my choice for pairing certain birds
to reach my goals regarding desired features.
Tell us about your feeding program. Seeds, vegetables and supplements.
I use the old style of mixing the seeds according to the season. In general the birds get Buckwheat (whole), Canary, Radish seeds, Hemp seed, Millets (yellow, red, white), Niger, Oat (whole), and Wheat, Sesame seeds Sunflower seed, Flax seeds, Alfalfa seeds and others I may see at my feed store..
I also feed
sprouted seeds and soft food with boiled eggs and vegetables (spinach,
chard, cilantro, dark green lettuce) and fruits (Lemon, Apple, Oranges).....
and other additions as Cuttlebone, calcium and supplements)
Do you feed anything special in the months before breeding season?
Usually I prepare my birds for breeding season by giving extra Alfalfa Leaf,
Garlic, Broccoli, Carrots, Spinach to provide variety and extra nutrition.
Since there are restrictions on importing cage birds to Egypt where do you
go to buy outcrosses to bring in new features to improve overall quality?
From the top breeders in Egypt as the importing was not restricted until a
few years ago
What is the price of a good exhibition quality bird in Egypt?
This question is very hard to answer as the quality is not the only thing
that affect the price here. A problem here is that some are making this a
business and asking very high prices for quality birds.. even for some
people a few months income for a single bird. People are paying incredible amounts but I
find you can bring in good birds
How w
What features are you working on now?
I am working to improve the overall quality of my birds year after year but
directional feathering together with the depth of the mask is my focus now.
What are your goals in coming years?
I would like to build my "rare varieties" to the same quality of our top exhibition quality show stock....and play a role in building the budgie breeding hobby here in Egypt.
It will take time to develop the hobby here in Egypt and have quality birds like England, Europe or USA but we will do it.