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Birds From The 80s & 90s

All American









Pleasant Surprise - This young GreyGreen Cock placed Second Best In Show at the 1991 All American in Indianapolis with 1056 birds benched. Only bird I entered that day.



Best In Show - Great Lakes BS - Michigan


Best In Show at Midwest EBS Kansas City (left) and brother that took BIS at Greater Kansas AS later that year.

Best In Show Columbus Ohio (left), & Best In Show Michigan.

Best In Show Detroit and winner at Pittsburgh BS.

Best Hen at several shows in District 2.









BIS Blue Chip EBS Cincinnati and a nestmate. Both Pilkington/Langell bloodline.

Best In Show - Cleveland CBC













Two Cinnamons from my Pilkington/Langell family.

Three cocks that won Best Intermediate awards my final show season before advancing to Champion.

Templates in Time